Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lesson 7 Sin

Lesson 7
The Fall of Man

To fully understand humanity we must not only look to his creation we must also look to his fall. In other words "What went wrong?"
Lets start with the Biblical account:
Genesis 3:1-7
Should we understand this story as being historical or figurative?
If there was no historical Adam and Eve then one has to come up with some other understanding to humanity's fall.
The most popular answer is that we each are born innocent and then fall ourselves, we are our own Adams. This was a belief promoted by a British monk named Pelagius. Unfortunately, this idea not only reduces Adam to an example of what we all eventually do, it reduces Jesus simply to the person we can make ourselves become.

Where did sin originate?

Some people argue that sin existed before the creation in that Satan rebelled against God and thus brought sin into existence. More likely is that sin is a possible result of freedom. That when God created individuals with freedom He creates the opportunity for there to be sin. Adam and Eve had the freedom to not sin. We being their descendants do not have that freedom.
I stress this because we can not blame sin on Satan (or environment, ignorance, etc.) but realizes that it lies within us. It is in our nature
Passage Romans 6:6

Adam and Eve's actions brought about two results.
1. Inherited Depravity
A. As descendants we all inherit a sinful and corrupt nature. I am not sure how this exactly occurs or if it is even necessary to understand. I am sure that it is more spiritual than physical.
Inherited Depravity does explain the need for the Holy Spirit’s work in us. (recall the lesson on the Holy Spirit)
B. This is not to say that we are totally evil but that every facet of who we are has been tainted. We all have the ability to chose certain actions and behavior. The murderer cannot say, "I had no choice."
2. Sin is universal

We all sin. Everyday life can confirm this reality.

What is sin?

Psalm 51
1. Sin is something we are.
2. Sin is something we do.
I John 3:4
3. Sin is also something we fail to do.
Romans 3:23

The Consequences of sin
1. Guilt
Romans 3:19

2. Punishment

Genesis 2: 17, Ephesians 2:1,5, Revelations 20:14
A physical punishment, a spiritual punishment, and an eternal punishment.
Proverbs 14:9

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